Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Birth Story - Harper Alice Marshall

I guess it's about time I wrote a little something about the birth of my daughter Harper.

3am February 11, 2012 - The first hints that labour had started.
I had been anticipating these contractions for a week. Once I knew these contractions weren't just braxton hicks, I was super excited for the final outcome.

4am - Waking up the husband
After waiting an hour I decided to wake up Jeff. I needed to start timing the contractions so I knew where I was.

5am - Call to Judy
We decided to call Judy (my mother-in-law) to have her come over to watch the boys. My contractions at this point were every 2-3 minutes, but not lasting more then 30 seconds. But with my history, we decided it was best to go to the hospital.

5:30am - The arrival at the hospital
We showed up to an empty L&D triage room. They monitored my contractions for about an hour, then checked me. Only 3cm dilated!! Crap. I was actually in a bit of pain, and was hoping I was at least 7cm. The Doctor sent me out for a walk and told me not to come back for 2 hours or unless the contractions started to get longer and stronger.

6:30am - Get coffee and a snack
While getting a coffee I really started to feel the contractions and had to breathe through them. We walked down the hallway to the emergency waiting area - it was completely deserted. Jeff and I commented on how dead the hospital was...then my contractions started to get really intense, and I decided I couldn't stand to be in labour in front of people, and really needed to lie down. We walked back to the L&D unit but it was a difficult walk - lots of contractions.

7am - Getting checked on my progress
5cm is what the doctor told me, and I was really discouraged. I was in a fair bit of pain, and I actually thought I would like an epidural.

8am - Admitted to L&D Room
After some intense contractions I asked the Nurse to call in the Doctor to break my water.

9:30am - Water is broken
I was immediately informed that the baby had pooped in the womb. They told me that the NICU team would be called in to suction the baby right after delivery to ensure she didn't breathe it into her lungs.

9:45am - Feeling the urge
My labour from this point on was incredibly painful and fast. I have to say this labour was the worst, probably due to how quick it was.

10:15am February 11, 2012 - Harper Alice Marshall was welcomed into this world
They were able to get her suctioned before she took her first breath, and that was a big relief for both Jeff and I.

Harper was 7 lbs 8oz & 20.5 inches long

Having her home now for 11 days has been incredible. I never knew the bond could be so different when you have a little girl. It's hard to describe, but it's different.
The entire family is in love with her. We are so blessed to have 3 beautiful children with no birth issues. Many know how worried I was, and once she was given the "all-clear",  I breathed a sigh of relief for sure.

Having a new born sure hasn't been easy this time around (who knew this would be the case). I have endured the painful consequence of having a baby who does NOT latch well,  Low milk supply which has put me on Domperidone (increases milk supply), and then the up every 2 hours because of the low milk supply. I have good news though, after sorting out all the issues I had a great night last night! 4 hours of continuous sleep.

The boys have been incredible big brothers. Not one ounce of jealously from either one. All they want to do is make sure Harper is happy, and of course hold her. It melts my heart to see the unconditional love these boys have towards her. Jonas has taken to calling Harper sweetie.

I haven't downloaded the pictures from the hospital yet, but I have a few from my iPhone to share.

1 day old - Waiting to be discharged from the Hospital

Harper 11 days old - sleeping during tummy time.


  1. CONGRATS!! I hadn't heard yet, and was PUMPED to see this new post waiting for me to read. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL GIRL! :) She looks so peaceful!! :)

    I absolutely LOVE the name Harper. One of my top 5 girl names, for sure! :) So happy to know a "new" Harper! ;)

    Congrats, and I hope things start to get easier and easier for you. <3

  2. I am so excited to meet her! After seeing your face after Andie sat in your lap last November, I was SO EXCITED to find out you were finally getting your little girl. She's so lucky to have two big brothers to protect her!

  3. I hope life with three is still treating you well. What a little sweetheart. Any new pictures of Harper? Looking forward to seeing you again soon.
