Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Baby #3 - It's True!!

Yes although I have not blogged, facebooked or tweeted this tidbit...I am in fact having another baby! I am currently 30 weeks, and feeling great! Jeff and I did some major thinking about bringing another child into our lives, but when we looked at how much we love being parents, it was easy.

Although having another baby was an easy decision getting there had it's heart ache. We lost one baby 12 weeks in, and it was the worst  time in my life. Not only did we lose it, but I hemorrhaged and had to have an emergency D&C. I was scared for my life and all things I would miss should I die. Thankfully after the surgery, and blood transfusion I felt 100 times better. We had booked a trip to Hawaii earlier in the year and the Doctors gave me the thumbs up to go on that vacation. So 2 days after the loss we packed up and headed to Hawaii. It couldn't have been better timing. I relaxed and did some major thinking. NO MORE BABIES FOR ME.

After we got home I wasn't really upset that I'd lost the baby. Things happen.  I told myself it's ok to not be depressed. Funny thing was...I was depressed.  Jeff finally talked me though the fact that I wouldn't be able to get over it, because deep down I did want to try again. He was SO right. After only 1 month we tired again, and here I am 30 weeks into this pregnancy. It's hard to completely enjoy it, because you are constantly wondering what might happen. So with 10 weeks to go I am still hesitant to let it all go and be totally happy.

The due date is Feb 10, 2011. I was a day late with the first, one day early with the second, so I bet this one will be right on time! We don't know the sex of the baby, and I am dying with anticipation.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Update on the boys

This is Jonas. He is 5 years old.  I love having him in my life because he teaches me about being a loving, gentle & caring person. You'd think, with me being the mom, I would teach him these things...but it's actually the other way around. I am not those things by nature, and I know it. In return I teach him that  listening, hard work, and discipline are also good characteristics.

Recently we met with his kindergarten teacher. She told us that he is respectful, makes friends easily, tries anything, and never gives up.

This is Rhett. He is 2 1/2 years old. Rhett teaches me about patience, understanding & determination.  In return I teach him about listening, sharing, and using words instead of "actions".  People might say we are very similar in personality...I could see that.

His teacher tells me he is fiercely independent, eager to learn, very talkative and they enjoy his lively personality.